Landlord Referral Scheme

We believe
in saying
"Thank You"
Do you know a landlord with a property to let in Greater London especially South London?
We are delighted to receive great feedback, and even more delighted to receive referrals based on great client experiences with Aston Pearl, growing our network of satisfied clients.
As our way of saying thanks, we will pay £200 as a referral every time a property is successfully let / rented through Aston Pearl, where the landlord is directly referred to us (via the above / below referral form).
This offer applies to tenants too. If you know a landlord with lettings in Greater London especially South London we’d love you to refer them to us.

Terms and Condition:
The landlord MUST be a new landlord to Aston Pearl, who has not rented a property through us previously.
The tenancy MUST be a new tenancy and not a tenancy renewal or extension of an existing tenancy.
The referral fee will apply to the first property and tenancy agreed and let through Aston Pearl. No further referral credits will be applied for the same landlord, property, new tenancies, tenancy extensions/renewals or any other variation thereafter.
The person making the referral confirms that they have sought the consent of the landlord prior to making the referral to Aston Pearl, and that the landlord being referred will be expecting communication from/with Aston Pearl. Should this not be the case the person making the referral accepts and agrees to reimburse any personal and financial liability/loss incurred by Aston Pearl.